
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Next-Gen games look awesome!

Here are some screen shots of some games that are supposed to come out for the new Playstation 3 as well as the Xbox 360. The authenticity of these pics has not yet been confirmed however it gives us any idea of what the nex-gen games may look like.

This is a game that is supposed to come out for the PS3 called "2 Days To Vegas":


This is supposed to be what Madden will look like on the Xbox 360:

posted by Phatlip12(administrator) at 3:31 PM | link | 0 comments

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Xbox 360 (Xbox 2)

Pictures of the Xbox 360 (Xbox 2) have been leaked on the internet. There have been similar "leaks" before of the new Xbox however it seems like this one may have some more truth to it. You be the judge! Here are some pics:

posted by Phatlip12(administrator) at 3:52 PM | link | 0 comments

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Apple in the media

Since the beginning of the “computer revolution” Apple has played a major role in the formation of the computers that we use today. The Apple II was the first highly successful computer that was mass produced. The release of the Apple II may quiet possibly be the sole reason why Apple still exists today. Apple continued to make new computers only to eventually come around and make the Macintosh. Apple’s operating system went on to being the leading OS of it’s time by the late 80’s and early 90’s. While Apple continued to pave the road to success Microsoft followed. Microsoft slowly gained popularity until they eventually took the lead as the leading OS with the release of Microsoft Windows. Just like that Apple’s support was gone over night.

Apple has recently made several strives at gaining support back. This includes developing new products such as mp3 players as well as using the power of the media. Apple is known for its advertisements, when you see an Apple advertisement you remember it. This goes all the way back to Apples superbowl advertisement for the Macintosh. Apple has recently taken a different advertisement approach such as its “Think Different” ads as well as it’s testimonials of people stating why you should switch to a Mac. The idea behind the “Think Different” ad is to get the consumer to realize that they have a choice in what they chose. You can buy a Mac and be like Albert Einstein or buy a PC and be like everybody else. The idea behind the customer testimonials is to find everyday people that made the switch and are happy with it. This allows the consumer to relate to the person and consider buying the product. Apple is now also advertising their products on the big-screen as well as the television. There have recently been several movies and television shows that featured Apple products on them. This is one of Apples way of targeting their product to younger audiences. When younger people see that there favorite actors and actresses use a Mac it encourages them to go use one as well. Apple is also trying to appeal to the consumer by having a “cool factor”. Recent Apple products feature unique designs that stand out and look good. Such design methods are causing a sort of “Barbie syndrome”. Little girls can’t just buy a Barbie; they also need to buy her convertible as well as all of her friends. The same concept applies to Apple. You can’t buy an ipod and not an ibook, they must be one!

Since Apple has taken these new advertisement as well as design approaches they have seen an increase in sales. These advertisement and design approaches wont be enough however to bring Apple back to the top. Microsoft products are now being designed to be put in your living room. With advancements in media center PC's we all may very well see a computer in every living room very shortly. Consumers like the idea of being able to sit in their favorite lazy-boy chair and at the same time being able to enjoy all of their media in one device. I predict that if Apple makes advancements in putting a Mac in your living room as well as keeping up there current advertisement plans that they may be able to gain the popularity that they once had so many years ago. Apple went into the unknown and paved the road for the computers that we have today. Once the road was paved Microsoft jumped on it. It’s time for Apple to take the lead and finish what they created.
posted by Phatlip12(administrator) at 1:54 PM | link | 0 comments

Firefox 1.0.4 beta

Firefox 1.0.4 beta is now available to download. They have been coming out with these updates left and right! It's nice to know that you use a browser that fixes its security holes unlike IE.
Firefox 1.0.4 beta
How firefox rates with other browsers-Click here to see
posted by Phatlip12(administrator) at 1:33 PM | link | 0 comments

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Scopetech Hacked!!!

Scopetech is up and running again. I made this post because Scopetech was temporarily down. The forums are now up and running.
posted by Phatlip12(administrator) at 5:56 AM | link | 2 comments

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Firefox 1.0.3

Firefox 1.0.3 is now available at a modem near you. Firefox version 1.0.3 offers its usual security updates to keep your internet browsing safe.
Click here to download version 1.0.3
How firefox rates with other browsers-Click here to see
posted by Phatlip12(administrator) at 12:09 PM | link | 0 comments

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Sony's lock on the PSP

Picture made by: ecstasy90 from the G4tv forum

The Sony PSP truly puts a new meaning to the term "all in one". The PSP acts not only as a portable gaming system but also as a portable media center. For $250.00 you can play your games, watch movies, listen to music, view your pictures and even get online! What’s the catch? Sony only allows you to play your media on a limited media format. All images or video must be a MPEG-4 format and all music must be a ATRAC3 plus or MP3 format. Most of us can deal with the MP3 format; it's the MPEG-4 format that I see problems with. I found this very disappointing until I found some helpful software that allows you to convert your video formats to MPEG-4. It's called PSP Video 9 and the best part about it is it's free! PSP Video 9 allows you to convert your PC video files to MPEg-4. The software also allows you to manage/copy your PSP video files from pc-PSP. With the upcoming release of bigger memory stick sizes this software opens up many new windows to the PSP. PSP Video 9 is great user friendly software that I think that every PSP owner should have. Go out and buy a bigger memory stick and then get this software, this is a must have!
PSP Video 9-Click here to download
posted by Phatlip12(administrator) at 7:07 PM | link | 0 comments