Friday, September 30, 2005
$100 Laptop
MIT released a Laptop for $100
The machine's A-C adapter would double as a carrying strap, and a hand crank would power them when there's no electricity. They'd be foldable into more positions than traditional notebook PCs, and carried like slim lunchboxes.
This is mainly a laptop for kids to use for school purposes. But I think, We're all going to have a good use for it.
Among the key specs: A 500-megahertz processor (that was fast in the 1990s but slow by today's standards) by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and flash memory instead of a hard drive with moving parts. To save on software costs, the laptops would run the freely available Linux operating system instead of Windows.
posted by Hacked.Alias at 11:53 PM
I can only hope!